Performs conditional maximum likelihood estimation of a seasonal VARMA model
sVARMA(da, order, sorder, s, include.mean = T, fixed = NULL, details = F, switch = F)
A T-by-k data matrix of a k-dimensional seasonal time series
Regular order (p,d,q) of the model
Seasonal order (P,D,Q) of the model
Seasonality. s=4 for quarterly data and s=12 for monthly series
A logical switch to include the mean vector. Default is to include the mean
A logical matrix to set zero parameter constraints
A logical switch for output
A logical switch to exchange the ordering of the regular and seasonal VMA factors. Default is theta(B)*Theta(B).
The data matrix of the observed k-dimensional time series
The regular order (p,d,q)
The seasonal order (P,D,Q)
A logical switch for the constant term
Parameter estimates for use in model simplification
Standard errors of the parameter estimates
Residual series
Residual covariance matrix
Information criteria of the fitted model
Regular AR coefficients, if any
Seasonal AR coefficients
Regular MA coefficients
Seasonal MA coefficients
The constant vector, if any
The logical switch to change the ordering of matrix product
Estimation of a seasonal VARMA model
Tsay (2014, Chapter 6). Multivariate Time Series Analysis with R and Financial Applications. John Wiley. Hoboken, NJ.