merging.cluster: Variable-Cluster Configuration Merging Subroutine
Merging subroutine of variable-cluster configurations, determined for each group.
Internal function called by mvr
and internally by mvrt.test
Takes as argument the cluster membership matrix for each variable by group,
which is returned by the membership value of MeanVarReg
Cluster membership matrix for each variable by group,
where variables are by rows, and groups by columns.
Returned by the membership value of MeanVarReg
. Value
- clus
representing the merged-clusters membership of each variable.
- Dazard J-E., Hua Xu and J. S. Rao (2011). "R package MVR for Joint Adaptive Mean-Variance Regularization and Variance Stabilization."
In JSM Proceedings, Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts. Miami Beach, FL, USA: American Statistical Association IMS - JSM, 3849-3863.
- Dazard J-E. and J. S. Rao (2012). "Joint Adaptive Mean-Variance Regularization and Variance Stabilization of High Dimensional Data."
Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 56(7):2317-2333.
See Also
Mean-Variance Regularization and Variance Stabilization.mvrt.test
Mean-Variance Regularized t-Test Statistic with Significance.kmeans
(R packagestats) for partition clustering in R.