The graph matrix as produced from pc.or or any other algorithm which produces directed graphs. A DAG in general.
This can be either NULL or 1 or 2. type = 1 means that the matrix contains 0, 1, 2, 3 where G[i, j] = g[j, i] = 0, means there is no edge between nodes i and j, G[i, j] = g[j, i] = 1, there is an edge between nodes i and j and G[i, j] = 2 and G[j, i] = 3
The matrix of the essential graph.
The function calls a function from the package "ggm" which does the job.
Chickering, D.M. (1995). A transformational characterization of equivalent Bayesian network structures. Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, Canada, 87-98.