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MXM (version 0.8.7)

findAncestors: Returns and plots, if asked, the ancestors of a node (or variable)


Returns and plots, if asked, the ancestors of a node (or variable).


findAncestors(G, node, graph = FALSE)


The graph matrix as produced from pc.or or any other algorithm which produces directed graphs.
A numerical value indicating the node (or variable) whose ancestors are to be returned.
A boolean variable. If TRUE the relevant graph will appear (if there are ancestors).


  • isAncA matrix of the same dimensions as the original graph matrix with 0s and 1s. isAnc[i, j] = 1 indicates that the i-th node is an ancestor of the j-th node.
  • GancA matrix of dimensions equal to the number of ancestors of the node with 0s and 1s.
  • ancThe ancestors of the node.


The functions searches for the ancestors of some node. This is an S3 class output.

See Also

plota, nei, pc.or


Run this code
# simulate a dataset with continuous data
# simulate a dataset with continuous data
y = rdag(1000, 10, 0.3)
tru = y$G 
x = y$x
mod = pc.con(x)
G = pc.or(mod)$G
findAncestors(G, 1, graph = FALSE)

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