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MachineShop (version 3.3.0)

metrics: Performance Metrics


Compute measures of agreement between observed and predicted responses.


  predicted = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"),

auc( observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, metrics = c(MachineShop::tpr, MachineShop::fpr), stat = MachineShop::settings("stat.Curve"), ... )

brier(observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)

cindex(observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)

cross_entropy(observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)

f_score( observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), beta = 1, ... )

fnr( observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), ... )

fpr( observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), ... )

kappa2( observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), ... )

npv( observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), ... )

ppv( observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), ... )

pr_auc(observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)

precision( observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), ... )

recall( observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), ... )

roc_auc(observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)

roc_index( observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), fun = function(sensitivity, specificity) (sensitivity + specificity)/2, ... )

rpp( observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), ... )

sensitivity( observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), ... )

specificity( observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), ... )

tnr( observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), ... )

tpr( observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), ... )

weighted_kappa2(observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, power = 1, ...)

gini(observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)

mae(observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)

mse(observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)

msle(observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)

r2(observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, distr = character(), ...)

rmse(observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)

rmsle(observed, predicted = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)



observed responses; or confusion, performance curve, or resample result containing observed and predicted responses.


predicted responses if not contained in observed.


numeric vector of non-negative case weights for the observed responses [default: equal weights].


numeric (0, 1) threshold above which binary factor probabilities are classified as events and below which survival probabilities are classified. If NULL, then confusion matrix-based metrics are computed on predicted class probabilities if given.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


vector of two metric functions or function names that define a curve under which to calculate area [default: ROC metrics].


function or character string naming a function to compute a summary statistic at each cutoff value of resampled metrics in performance curves, or NULL for resample-specific metrics.


relative importance of recall to precision in the calculation of f_score [default: F1 score].


function to calculate a desired sensitivity-specificity tradeoff.


power to which positional distances of off-diagonals from the main diagonal in confusion matrices are raised to calculate weighted_kappa2.


character string specifying a distribution with which to estimate the observed survival mean in the total sum of square component of r2. Possible values are "empirical" for the Kaplan-Meier estimator, "exponential", "extreme", "gaussian", "loggaussian", "logistic", "loglogistic", "lognormal", "rayleigh", "t", or "weibull". Defaults to the distribution that was used in predicting mean survival times.

See Also

metricinfo, performance