library(utils, pos = "package:base", verbose = FALSE)
data(KNex, package = "Matrix")
mtm <- with(KNex, crossprod(mm))
system.time(ce <- condest(mtm))
sum(abs(ce$v)) ## || v ||_1 == 1
## Prove that || A v || = || A || / est (as ||v|| = 1):
stopifnot(all.equal(norm(mtm %*% ce$v),
norm(mtm) / ce$est))
## reciprocal
1 / ce$est
system.time(rc <- rcond(mtm)) # takes ca 3 x longer
all.equal(rc, 1/ce$est) # TRUE -- the approximation was good
one <- onenormest(mtm)
str(one) ## est = 12.3
## the maximal column:
which(one$v == 1) # mostly 4, rarely 1, depending on random seed
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