library(utils, pos = "package:base", verbose = FALSE)
(S9 <- rsparsematrix(9, 9, nnz = 10, symmetric=TRUE)) # dsCMatrix
str( dm9 <- dmperm(S9) )
(S9p <- with(dm9, S9[p, q]))
## looks good, but *not* quite upper triangular; these, too:
str( dm9.0 <- dmperm(S9, seed=-1)) # non-random too.
str( dm9_1 <- dmperm(S9, seed= 1)) # a random one
## The last two permutations differ, but have the same effect!
(S9p0 <- with(dm9.0, S9[p, q])) # .. hmm ..
stopifnot(all.equal(S9p0, S9p))# same as as default, but different from the random one
(M <- triu(rsparsematrix(9,11, 1/4)))
dM <- dmperm(M); with(dM, M[p, q])
(Mp <- M[,])
dMp <- dmperm(Mp); with(dMp, Mp[p, q])
(n7 <- rsparsematrix(5, 12, nnz = 10, rand.x = NULL))
str( dm.7 <- dmperm(n7) )
stopifnot(exprs = {
lengths(dm.7[1:2]) == dim(n7)
identical(dm.7, dmperm(as(n7, "dMatrix")))
identical(dm.7[1:4], dmperm(n7, nAns=4))
identical(dm.7[1:2], dmperm(n7, nAns=2))
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