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Matrix (version 1.7-1)

drop0: Drop Non-Structural Zeros from a Sparse Matrix


Deletes “non-structural” zeros (i.e., zeros stored explicitly, in memory) from a sparse matrix and returns the result.


drop0(x, tol = 0, is.Csparse = NA, give.Csparse = TRUE)


A sparseMatrix, the result of deleting non-structural zeros from x, possibly after coercion.



a Matrix, typically inheriting from virtual class sparseMatrix. denseMatrix and traditional vectors and matrices are coerced to CsparseMatrix, with zeros dropped automatically, hence users passing such x should consider as(x, "CsparseMatrix") instead, notably in the tol = 0 case.


a non-negative number. If x is numeric, then entries less than or equal to tol in absolute value are deleted.


a logical used only if give.Csparse is TRUE, indicating if x already inherits from virtual class CsparseMatrix, in which case coercion is not attempted, permitting some (typically small) speed-up.


a logical indicating if the result must inherit from virtual class CsparseMatrix. If FALSE and x inherits from RsparseMatrix, TsparseMatrix, or indMatrix, then the result preserves the class of x. The default value is TRUE only for backwards compatibility.

See Also

Function sparseMatrix, for constructing objects inheriting from virtual class sparseMatrix; nnzero.


Run this code
(m <- sparseMatrix(i = 1:8, j = 2:9, x = c(0:2, 3:-1),
                   dims = c(10L, 20L)))

## A larger example:
t5 <- new("dtCMatrix", Dim = c(5L, 5L), uplo = "L",
          x = c(10, 1, 3, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10, 10),
          i = c(0L,2L,4L, 1L, 3L,2L,4L, 3L, 4L),
          p = c(0L, 3L, 5L, 7:9))
TT <- kronecker(t5, kronecker(kronecker(t5, t5), t5))
IT <- solve(TT)
I. <- TT %*% IT ;  nnzero(I.) # 697 ( == 625 + 72 )
I.0 <- drop0(zapsmall(I.))
## which actually can be more efficiently achieved by
I.. <- drop0(I., tol = 1e-15)
stopifnot(all(I.0 == Diagonal(625)), nnzero(I..) == 625)

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