x <- Hilbert(9)
norm(x)# = "O" = "1"
stopifnot(identical(norm(x), norm(x, "1")))
norm(x, "I")# the same, because 'x' is symmetric
allnorms <- function(x) {
## norm(NA, "2") did not work until R 4.0.0
do2 <- getRversion() >= "4.0.0" || !anyNA(x)
vapply(c("1", "I", "F", "M", if(do2) "2"), norm, 0, x = x)
i <- c(1,3:8); j <- c(2,9,6:10); x <- 7 * (1:7)
A <- sparseMatrix(i, j, x = x) ## 8 x 10 "dgCMatrix"
(sA <- sparseMatrix(i, j, x = x, symmetric = TRUE)) ## 10 x 10 "dsCMatrix"
(tA <- sparseMatrix(i, j, x = x, triangular= TRUE)) ## 10 x 10 "dtCMatrix"
(allnorms(A) -> nA)
stopifnot(all.equal(nA, allnorms(as(A, "matrix"))),
all.equal(nA, allnorms(tA))) # because tA == rbind(A, 0, 0)
A. <- A; A.[1,3] <- NA
stopifnot(is.na(allnorms(A.))) # gave error
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