library(utils, pos = "package:base", verbose = FALSE)
(m <- Matrix(c(0,0,2:0), 3,5, dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:3],NULL)))
## ``extract the nonzero-pattern of (m) into an nMatrix'':
nm <- as(m, "nsparseMatrix") ## -> will be a "ngCMatrix"
str(nm) # no 'x' slot
nnm <- !nm # no longer sparse
## consistency check:
stopifnot(xor(as( nm, "matrix"),
as(nnm, "matrix")))
## low-level way of adding "non-structural zeros" :
nnm <- as(nnm, "lsparseMatrix") # "lgCMatrix"
nnm@x[2:4] <- c(FALSE, NA, NA)
as(nnm, "nMatrix") # NAs *and* non-structural 0 |---> 'TRUE'
data(KNex, package = "Matrix")
nmm <- as(KNex $ mm, "nMatrix")
str(xlx <- crossprod(nmm))# "nsCMatrix"
image(xlx, main=paste("crossprod(nmm) : Sparse", class(xlx)))
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