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Matrix (version 1.7-1)

wrld_1deg: Contiguity Matrix of World One-Degree Grid Cells


This matrix gives the contiguities of 15260 one-degree grid cells of world land areas, using a criterion based on the great-circle distance between centers.





A \(15260 \times 15260\) sparse, symmetric matrix of class dsCMatrix, with 55973 nonzero entries.


Ord, J. K. (1975). Estimation methods for models of spatial interaction. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 70(349), 120-126. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.2307/2285387")


Run this code
library(stats, pos = "package:base", verbose = FALSE)
library(utils, pos = "package:base", verbose = FALSE)

data(wrld_1deg, package = "Matrix")
(n <- ncol(wrld_1deg))
I <- .symDiagonal(n)

doExtras <- interactive() || nzchar(Sys.getenv("R_MATRIX_CHECK_EXTRA"))
r <- if(doExtras) 20L else 3L
rho <- 1 / runif(r, 0, 0.5)

system.time(MJ0 <- sapply(rho, function(mult)
    determinant(wrld_1deg + mult * I, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus))

## Can be done faster by updating the Cholesky factor:

C1 <- Cholesky(wrld_1deg, Imult = 2)
system.time(MJ1 <- sapply(rho, function(mult)
    determinant(update(C1, wrld_1deg, mult), sqrt = FALSE)$modulus))
stopifnot(all.equal(MJ0, MJ1))

C2 <- Cholesky(wrld_1deg, super = TRUE, Imult = 2)
system.time(MJ2 <- sapply(rho, function(mult)
    determinant(update(C2, wrld_1deg, mult), sqrt = FALSE)$modulus))
stopifnot(all.equal(MJ0, MJ2))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab