Model-class: Mother Class "Model" of all S4 Models
Class "Model" is meant to be the mother class of all (S4) model
As some useful methods are already defined for "Model" objects,
derived classes inherit those “for free”.
Objects from the Class
A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.
a list; must be named,
i.e., have unique names, but can be empty.
When the main object is a fitted model, the list will
typically have components such as iter (non-negative
integer) and convergenece (logical typically).
signature(x = "Model"): extract the model
formula - if there is one, or NULL.
signature(object = "Model"): Update the model
with a new formula, new data, ...... etc. This semantically
equivalent (and as R function almost identical) to the standard
update (package stats).
See Also
the glpModel class in package
MatrixModels which extends this class.