mase computes the mean absolute scaled error between two numeric
vectors. This function is only intended for time series data, where
actual and numeric are numeric vectors ordered by time.
mase(actual, predicted, step_size = 1)
The ground truth numeric vector ordered in time, with most recent
observation at the end of the vector.
The predicted numeric vector ordered in time, where each element
of the vector represents a prediction for the corresponding
element of actual.
A positive integer that specifies how many observations to look back
in time in order to compute the naive forecast. The default is
1, which means that the naive forecast for the current time
period is the actual value of the previous period.
However, if actual and predictions were quarterly
predictions over many years, letting step_size = 4, would
mean that the naive forecast for the current time period would
be the actual value from the same quarter last year. In this way,
mase can account for seasonality.