Model Based Clustering, Classification and Discriminant Analysis
Using the Mixture of Generalized Hyperbolic Distributions
Carries out model-based clustering, classification and discriminant analysis using five different models. The models are all based on the generalized hyperbolic distribution. The first model 'MGHD' (Browne and McNicholas (2015) ) is the classical mixture of generalized hyperbolic distributions. The 'MGHFA' (Tortora et al. (2016) ) is the mixture of generalized hyperbolic factor analyzers for high dimensional data sets. The 'MSGHD' is the mixture of multiple scaled generalized hyperbolic distributions, the 'cMSGHD' is a 'MSGHD' with convex contour plots and the 'MCGHD', mixture of coalesced generalized hyperbolic distributions is a new more flexible model (Tortora et al. (2019). The paper related to the software can be found at .