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MixSIAR (version 3.1.12)

compare_models: Compare the predictive accuracy of 2 or more MixSIAR models


compare_models uses the 'loo' package to compute LOO (leave-one-out cross-validation) or WAIC (widely applicable information criterion) for 2 of more fit MixSIAR models.


compare_models(x, loo = TRUE)



list of two or more rjags model objects (output from run_model function)


TRUE/FALSE: compute LOO if TRUE (preferred), compute WAIC if FALSE


Data frame with the following columns:

  • Model: names of x (input list)

  • LOOic / WAIC: LOO information criterion or WAIC

  • se_LOOic / se_WAIC: standard error of LOOic / WAIC

  • dLOOic / dWAIC: difference between each model and the model with lowest LOOic/WAIC. Best model has dLOOic = 0.

  • se_dLOOic / se_dWAIC: standard error of the difference between each model and the model with lowest LOOic/WAIC

  • weight: relative support for each model, calculated as Akaike weights (p.75 Burnham & Anderson 2002). Interpretation: "an estimate of the probability that the model will make the best predictions on new data, conditional on the set of models considered" (McElreath 2015).


LOO and WAIC are "methods for estimating pointwise out-of-sample prediction accuracy from a fitted Bayesian model using the log-likelihood evaluated at the posterior simulations of the parameter values". See Vehtari, Gelman, & Gabry (2017). In brief:

  • LOO and WAIC are preferred over AIC or DIC

  • LOO is more robust than WAIC

  • 'loo' estimates standard errors for the difference in LOO/WAIC between two models

  • We can calculate the relative support for each model using LOO/WAIC weights

See Also

'loo' package

Vehtari, A, A Gelman, and J Gabry. 2017. Practical Bayesian model evaluation using leave-one-out cross-validation and WAIC. Statistics and Computing.

Pages 75-88 in Burnham, KP and DR Anderson. 2002. Model selection and multimodel inference: a practical information-theoretic approach. Springer Science & Business Media.

Pages 188-201 in McElreath, R. 2016. Statistical rethinking: a Bayesian course with examples in R and Stan. CRC Press.


Run this code
# Model 1 = wolf diet by Region + Pack
mix.1 <- load_mix_data(filename=mix.filename, 
source.1 <- load_source_data(filename=source.filename, source_factors="Region",
                             conc_dep=FALSE, data_type="means", mix.1)
discr.1 <- load_discr_data(filename=discr.filename, mix.1)

# Run Model 1
jags.1 <- run_model(run="test", mix.1, source.1, discr.1, model_filename, 
                    alpha.prior = 1, resid_err=T, process_err=T)
# Model 2 = wolf diet by Region (no Pack)
mix.2 <- load_mix_data(filename=mix.filename, 
source.2 <- load_source_data(filename=source.filename, source_factors="Region",
                             conc_dep=FALSE, data_type="means", mix.2)
discr.2 <- load_discr_data(filename=discr.filename, mix.2)

# Run Model 2
jags.2 <- run_model(run="test", mix.2, source.2, discr.2, model_filename, 
                    alpha.prior = 1, resid_err=T, process_err=T)
# Compare models 1 and 2 using LOO
compare_models(x=list(jags.1, jags.2), loo=TRUE)

# Compare models 1 and 2 using WAIC
compare_models(x=list(jags.1, jags.2), loo=FALSE)

# Get WAIC for model 1
compare_models(x=list(jags.1), loo=FALSE)

# Create named list of rjags objects to get model names in summary
x <- list(jags.1, jags.2)
names(x) <- c("Region + Pack", "Region")
# }

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