# \donttest{
bot.f <- efourier(bot, 12)
bot.p <- PCA(bot.f)
### Morphospace options
plot(bot.p, pos.shp="full")
plot(bot.p, pos.shp="range")
plot(bot.p, pos.shp="xy")
plot(bot.p, pos.shp="circle")
plot(bot.p, pos.shp="range_axes")
plot(bot.p, pos.shp="full_axes")
plot(bot.p, morpho=FALSE)
### Passing factors to plot.PCA
# 3 equivalent methods
plot(bot.p, "type")
plot(bot.p, 1)
plot(bot.p, ~type)
# let's create a dummy factor of the correct length
# and another added to the $fac with mutate
# and a numeric of the correct length
f <- factor(rep(letters[1:2], 20))
z <- factor(rep(LETTERS[1:2], 20))
bot %<>% mutate(cs=coo_centsize(.), z=z)
bp <- bot %>% efourier %>% PCA
# so bp contains type, cs (numeric) and z; not f
# yet f can be passed on the fly
plot(bp, f)
# numeric fac are allowed
plot(bp, "cs", cex=3, color.legend=TRUE)
# formula allows combinations of factors
plot(bp, ~type+z)
### other morphometric approaches works the same
# open curves
op <- npoly(olea, 5)
op.p <- PCA(op)
plot(op.p, ~ domes + var, morpho=TRUE) # use of formula
# landmarks
wp <- fgProcrustes(wings, tol=1e-4)
wpp <- PCA(wp)
plot(wpp, 1)
### Cosmetic options
# window
plot(bp, 1, zoom=2)
plot(bp, zoom=0.5)
plot(bp, center.origin=FALSE, grid=FALSE)
# colors
plot(bp, col="red") # globally
plot(bp, 1, col=c("#00FF00", "#0000FF")) # for every level
# a color vector of the right length
plot(bp, 1, col=rep(c("#00FF00", "#0000FF"), each=20))
# a color vector of the right length, mixign Rcolor names (not a good idea though)
plot(bp, 1, col=rep(c("#00FF00", "forestgreen"), each=20))
# ellipses
plot(bp, 1, conf.ellipsesax=2/3)
plot(bp, 1, ellipsesax=FALSE)
plot(bp, 1, ellipsesax=TRUE, ellipses=TRUE)
# stars
plot(bp, 1, stars=TRUE, ellipsesax=FALSE)
# convex hulls
plot(bp, 1, chull=TRUE)
plot(bp, 1, chull.lty=3)
# filled convex hulls
plot(bp, 1, chull.filled=TRUE)
plot(bp, 1, chull.filled.alpha = 0.8, chull.lty =1) # you can omit chull.filled=TRUE
# density kernel
plot(bp, 1, density=TRUE, contour=TRUE, lev.contour=10)
# delaunay
plot(bp, 1, delaunay=TRUE)
# loadings
flower %>% PCA %>% plot(1, loadings=TRUE)
# point/group labelling
plot(bp, 1, labelspoint=TRUE) # see options for abbreviations
plot(bp, 1, labelsgroup=TRUE) # see options for abbreviations
# clean axes, no rug, no border, random title
plot(bp, axisvar=FALSE, axisnames=FALSE, rug=FALSE, box=FALSE, title="random")
# no eigen
plot(bp, eigen=FALSE) # eigen cause troubles to graphical window
# eigen may causes troubles to the graphical window. you can try old.par = TRUE
# }
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