icp <- icpmat(shortnose.lm,longnose.lm,iterations=10)
## example using weights
## we want to assign high weights to the first three cordinates
icpw <- icpmat(shortnose.lm,longnose.lm,iterations=10,
weights=c(rep(100,3),rep(1,620)),centerweight = TRUE)
## the RMSE between those four points and the target is now smaller:
RMSE <- sqrt(sum(vcgKDtree(longnose.lm,icp[1:3,],k=1)$distance^2))
RMSEW<- sqrt(sum(vcgKDtree(longnose.lm,icpw[1:3,],k=1)$distance^2))
barplot(c(RMSE,RMSEW),names.arg=c("RMSE weighted","RMSE unweighted"))
if (FALSE) {
## plot the differences between unweighted and weighted icp
## plot the first four coordinates from the icps:
spheres3d(icp[1:3,],col="red",radius = 0.5)
spheres3d(icpw[1:3,],col="green",radius = 0.5)
## plot the target
spheres3d(longnose.lm,col="yellow",radius = 0.2)
##2D example using icpmat to determine point correspondences
if (require(shapes)) {
## we scramble rows to show that this is independent of point order
moving <- gorf.dat[sample(1:8),,1]
plot(moving,asp=1) ## starting config
icpgorf <- icpmat(moving,gorf.dat[,,2],iterations = 20)
points(icpgorf,asp = 1,col=2)
points(gorf.dat[,,2],col=3)## target
## get correspondences using nearest neighbour search
index <- mcNNindex(icpgorf,gorf.dat[,,2],k=1,cores=1)
icpsort <- icpgorf[index,]
for (i in 1:8)
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