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MuMIn (version 1.15.6)

plot.model.selection: Visualize model selection table


Produces a graphical representation of model weights and relative variable importance.


# S3 method for model.selection
plot(x, ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL,
    labels = attr(x, "terms"), labAsExpr = FALSE,
    col = c("SlateGray", "SlateGray2"), col2 = "white", border = par("col"),
    par.lab = NULL, par.vlab = NULL,
    axes = TRUE, ann = TRUE, ...)



a "model.selection" object.

xlab, ylab

labels for the x and y axis.


optional, a character vector or an expression containing model term labels (to appear on top side of the plot). Its length must be equal to number of model terms in the table. Defaults to model term names.


a logical indicating whether the character labels should be interpreted (parsed) as R expressions.

col, col2

vector of colors for columns (if more than one col is given, columns will be filled with alternating colors). If col2 is specified cells will be filled with gradient from col to col2. Set col2 to NA for no gradient.


border color for cells and axes.

par.lab, par.vlab

optional lists or parameters for term labels (top axis) and model names (right axis), respectively.

axes, ann

logical values indicating whether the axis and annotation should appear on the plot.

further graphical parameters to be set for the plot (see par).

See Also

plot.default, par

For examples, see ‘MuMIn-package