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MuMIn (version 1.43.6)

exprApply: Apply a function to calls inside an expression


Apply function FUN to each occurence of a call to what() (or a symbol what) in an unevaluated expression. It can be used for advanced manipulation of expressions. Intended primarily for internal use.


exprApply(expr, what, FUN, ..., symbols = FALSE)



an unevaluated expression.


character string giving the name of a function. Each call to what inside expr will be passed to FUN. what can be also a character representation of an operator or parenthesis (including curly and square brackets) as these are primitive functions in R. Set what to NA to match all names.


a function to be applied.


logical value controlling whether FUN should be applied to symbols as well as calls.

optional arguments to FUN.


A (modified) expression.


FUN is found by a call to match.fun and can be either a function or a symbol (e.g., a backquoted name) or a character string specifying a function to be searched for from the environment of the call to exprApply.

See Also

Expression-related functions: substitute, expression, quote and bquote.

Similar function walkCode exists in package codetools.

Functions useful inside FUN: as.name, as.call, call, match.call etc.


Run this code
### simple usage:
# print all Y(...) terms in a formula (note that symbol "Y" is omitted):
exprApply(~ X(1) + Y(2 + Y(4)) + N(Y + Y(3)), "Y", print)

# replace X() with log(X, base = n)
exprApply(expression(A() + B() + C()), c("A", "B", "C"), function(expr, base) {
    expr[[2]] <- expr[[1]]
    expr[[1]] <- as.name("log")
    expr$base <- base
}, base = 10)

# TASK: fit lm with two poly terms, varying the degree from 1 to 3 in each.
# lm(y ~ poly(X1, degree = a) + poly(X2, degree = b), data = Cement)
# for a = {1,2,3} and b = {1,2,3}

# First we create a wrapper function for lm. Within it, use "exprApply" to add
# "degree" argument to all occurences of "poly()" having "X1" or "X2" as the
# first argument. Values for "degree" are taken from arguments "d1" and "d2"

lmpolywrap <- function(formula, d1 = NA, d2 = NA, ...) { 
    cl <- origCall <- match.call()
    cl[[1]] <- as.name("lm")
    cl$formula <- exprApply(formula, "poly", function(e, degree, x) {
        i <- which(e[[2]] == x)[1]
        if(!is.na(i) && !is.na(degree[i])) e$degree <- degree[i]
    }, degree = c(d1, d2), x = c("X1", "X2"))
    cl$d1 <- cl$d2 <- NULL
    fit <- eval(cl, parent.frame())
    fit$call <- origCall # replace the stored call

# global model:
fm <- lmpolywrap(y ~ poly(X1) + poly(X2), data = Cement)

# Use "dredge" with argument "varying" to generate calls of all combinations of
# degrees for poly(X1) and poly(X2). Use "fixed = TRUE" to keep all global model
# terms in all models.
# Since "dredge" expects that global model has all the coefficients the 
# submodels can have, which is not the case here, we first generate model calls,
# evaluate them and feed to "model.sel"

modCalls <- dredge(fm, 
    varying = list(d1 = 1:3, d2 = 1:3), 
    fixed = TRUE,
    evaluate = FALSE

model.sel(models <- lapply(modCalls, eval))

# Note: to fit *all* submodels replace "fixed = TRUE" with: 
# "subset = (d1==1 || {poly(X1)}) && (d2==1 || {poly(X2)})"
# This is to avoid fitting 3 identical models when the matching "poly()" term is
# absent.
# }

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