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MuMIn (version 1.47.5)

coefplot: Plot model coefficients


Produce dot-and-whisker plot of the model(-averaged) coefficients, with confidence intervals


  x, lci, uci,
  labels = NULL, width = 0.15,
  shift = 0, horizontal = TRUE,
  main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
  xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
  labAsExpr = TRUE, mar.adj = TRUE, lab.line = 0.5, 
  lty = par("lty"), lwd = par("lwd"), pch = 21,
  col = par("col"), bg = par("bg"),
  dotcex = par("cex"), dotcol = col,
  staplelty = lty, staplelwd = lwd, staplecol = col,
  zerolty = "dotted", zerolwd = lwd, zerocol = "gray",
  las = 2, ann = TRUE, axes = TRUE, add = FALSE,
  type = "p",

# S3 method for averaging plot( x, full = TRUE, level = 0.95, intercept = TRUE, parm = NULL, labels = NULL, width = 0.1, shift = max(0.2, width * 2.1 + 0.05), horizontal = TRUE, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, main = "Model-averaged coefficients", xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, add = FALSE, ... )


An invisible matrix containing coordinates of points and whiskers, or, a two-element list of such, one for each coefficient type in plot.averaging when full is NA.



either a (possibly named) vector of coefficients (for coefplot), or an "averaging" object.

lci, uci

vectors of lower and upper confidence intervals. Alternatively a two-column matrix with columns containing confidence intervals, in which case uci is ignored.


optional vector of coefficient names. By default, names of x are used for labels.


width of the staples (= end of whisker).


the amount of perpendicular shift for the dots and whiskers. Useful when adding to an existing plot.


logical indicating if the plots should be horizontal; defaults to TRUE.


an overall title for the plot: see title.

xlab, ylab

x- and y-axis annotation. Can be suppressed by ann=FALSE.

xlim, ylim

optional, the x and y limits of the plot.


logical indicating whether the coefficient names should be transformed to expressions to create prettier labels (see plotmath)


logical indicating whether the (left or lower) margin should be expanded to fit the labels


margin line for the labels

lty, lwd, pch, col, bg

default line type, line width, point character, foreground colour for all elements, and background colour for open symbols.

dotcex, dotcol

dots point size expansion and colour.

staplelty, staplelwd, staplecol

staple line type, width, and colour.

zerolty, zerolwd, zerocol

zero-line type, line width, colour. Setting zerolty to NA suppresses the line.


the style of labels for coefficient names. See par.


logical indicating if axes should be annotated (by xlab and ylab).


a logical value indicating whether both axes should be drawn on the plot.


logical, if true add to current plot.


if "n", the plot region is left empty, any other value causes the plot being drawn.


additional arguments passed to coefplot or more graphical parameters.


a logical value specifying whether the “full” model-averaged coefficients are plotted. If FALSE, the “subset”-averaged coefficients are plotted, and both types if NA. See model.avg.


the confidence level required.


logical indicating if intercept should be included in the plot


a specification of which parameters are to be plotted, either a vector of numbers or a vector of names. If missing, all parameters are considered.


Kamil Bartoń


Plot model(-averaged) coefficients with confidence intervals.


Run this code
fm <- glm(Prop ~ dose + I(dose^2) + log(dose) + I(log(dose)^2),
  data = Beetle, family = binomial, na.action = na.fail)
ma <- model.avg(dredge(fm))

# default coefficient plot:
plot(ma, full = NA, intercept = FALSE)

# Add colours per coefficient type
# Replicate each colour n(=number of coefficients) times
clr <- c("black", "red2")
i <- rep(1:2, each = length(coef(ma)) - 1)
plot(ma, full = NA, intercept = FALSE,
   pch = 22, dotcex = 1.5,
   col = clr[i], bg = clr[i],
   lwd = 6, lend = 1, width = 0, horizontal = 0)

# Use `type = "n"` and `add` argument to e.g. add grid beneath the figure
plot(ma, full = NA, intercept = FALSE,
   width = 0, horizontal = FALSE, zerolty = NA, type = "n")
plot(ma, full = NA, intercept = FALSE,
   pch = 22, dotcex = 1.5,
   col = clr[i], bg = clr[i],
   lwd = 6, lend = 1, width = 0, horizontal = FALSE, add = TRUE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab