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BGWeights: Bates-Granger minimal variance model weights


Compute empirical weights based on out of sample forecast variances, following Bates and Granger (1969).


BGWeights(object, ..., data, force.update = FALSE)


A numeric vector of model weights.


object, ...

two or more fitted glm objects, or a list of such, or an "averaging" object.


a data frame containing the variables in the model.


if TRUE, the much less efficient method of updating glm function will be used rather than directly via glm.fit. This only applies to glms, in case of other model types update is always used.


Carsten Dormann, Kamil Bartoń


Bates-Granger model weights are calculated using prediction covariance. To get the estimate of prediction covariance, the models are fitted to randomly selected half of data and prediction is done on the remaining half. These predictions are then used to compute the variance-covariance between models, \(\Sigma\). Model weights are then calculated as \(w_{BG} = (1' \Sigma^{-1} 1)^{-1} 1 \Sigma^{-1} \), where \(1\) a vector of 1-s.

Bates-Granger model weights may be outside of the \([0,1]\) range, which may cause the averaged variances to be negative. Apparently this method works best when data is large.


Bates, J. M. and Granger, C. W. J. 1969 The combination of forecasts. Journal of the Operational Research Society 20, 451-468.

Dormann, C. et al. (2018) Model averaging in ecology: a review of Bayesian, information-theoretic, and tactical approaches for predictive inference. Ecological Monographs 88, 485–504.

See Also

Weights, model.avg

Other model weights: bootWeights(), cos2Weights(), jackknifeWeights(), stackingWeights()


Run this code
fm <- glm(Prop ~ mortality + dose, family = binomial, Beetle, na.action = na.fail)
models <- lapply(dredge(fm, evaluate = FALSE), eval)
ma <- model.avg(models)

# this produces warnings because of negative variances:
Weights(ma) <- BGWeights(ma, data = Beetle)
coefTable(ma, full = TRUE)

# SE for prediction is not reliable if some or none of coefficient's SE
# are available
predict(ma, data = test.data, se.fit = TRUE)
coefTable(ma, full = TRUE)

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