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cos2Weights: Cos-squared model weights


Calculate the cos-squared model weights, following the algorithm outlined in the appendix to Garthwaite & Mubwandarikwa (2010).


cos2Weights(object, ..., data, eps = 1e-06, maxit = 100, predict.args = list())


A numeric vector of model weights.


object, ...

two or more fitted glm objects, or a list of such, or an "averaging" object. Currently only lm and glm objects are accepted.


a test data frame in which to look for variables for use with prediction. If omitted, the fitted linear predictors are used.


tolerance for determining convergence.


maximum number of iterations.


optionally, a list of additional arguments to be passed to predict.


Carsten Dormann, adapted by Kamil Bartoń


Garthwaite, P. H. and Mubwandarikwa, E. 2010 Selection of weights for weighted model averaging. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 52, 363–382.

Dormann, C. et al. 2018 Model averaging in ecology: a review of Bayesian, information-theoretic, and tactical approaches for predictive inference. Ecological Monographs 88, 485–504.

See Also

Weights, model.avg

Other model weights: BGWeights(), bootWeights(), jackknifeWeights(), stackingWeights()


Run this code
# \dontshow{
if(length(find.package("expm", quiet = TRUE)) == 1) {
# }
fm <- lm(y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4, Cement, na.action = na.fail)
# most efficient way to produce a list of all-subsets models
models <- lapply(dredge(fm, evaluate = FALSE), eval)
ma <- model.avg(models)

test.data <- Cement
Weights(ma) <- cos2Weights(models, data = test.data)
predict(ma, data = test.data)
# \dontshow{
} else message("Need CRAN package 'expm' to run this example")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab