MuMIn (version 1.48.4)

get.models: Retrieve models from selection table


Generate or extract a list of fitted model objects from a "model.selection" table or component models from the averaged model ("averaging" object), optionally using parallel computation in a cluster.


get.models(object, subset, cluster = NA, ...)


list of fitted model objects.



object returned by dredge, model.sel or model.avg.


subset of models, an expression evaluated within the model selection table (see ‘Details’).


optionally, a "cluster" object. If it is a valid cluster, models are evaluated using parallel computation.


additional arguments to update the models. For example, one may want to fit models with REML (e.g. argument REML = TRUE in some modelling functions) while using ML for model selection.


Kamil Bartoń


The argument subset must be explicitely provided. This is to assure that a potentially long list of models is not fitted unintentionally. To evaluate all models, set subset to NA or TRUE.

If subset is a character vector, it is interpreted as names of rows to be selected.

See Also

dredge and pdredge, model.avg

makeCluster in packages parallel and snow


Run this code
# Mixed models:

 if(require(nlme)) { 
fm2 <- lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data = Orthodont,
    random = ~ 1 | Subject, method = "ML")
ms2 <- dredge(fm2)

# Get top-most models, but fitted by REML:
(confset.d4 <- get.models(ms2, subset = delta < 4, method = "REML"))

if (FALSE) {
# Get the top model:
get.models(ms2, subset = 1)[[1]]


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