mPhen.sampleGeno(n = 100, sampSize = 100, chr="0",pos = 1:n,
snpids = paste(chr,pos,sep="_"),meanAlleleFreq=0.2, mu = 10,
samples =paste("id",1:sampSize,sep="_"),imputed = FALSE, dirichlet = 1)
Number of genotypes to sample
Number of individuals to sample
Name of chromosome
Positions of genotypes on chromosome
Ids of genotypes
The mean allele frequency to simulate
A weight parameter which controls how close to the meanAlleleFreq the allele frequencies are sampled, via a beta distribution. A higher number implies allele frequencies stay closer to mean
The sample ids
Whether to simulate imputed data
The weight of a dirichlet distribution used to simulated imputed data
Returns matrix of genotypes, with individuals by rows, and snps by column, or a 3 dimensional array if imputed is TRUE