Data collected from the SoyNAM population in Indiana 2013-2015.
Data provided by Rainey Lab for Soybean Breeding and Genetics, Purdue University. Genotypic matrix (\(Gen\)) have 4240 SNPs. The data frame \(Obs\) contains the soybean id (\(ID\)), environment (\(Year\)), field location (\(Block,Row,Col\)) and three phenotypes: grain yield (\(YLD\)), days to maturity (\(DTM\)) and average canopy closure (\(ACC\)).
Xavier, A., Hall, B., Hearst, A.A., Cherkauer, K.A. and Rainey, K.M., 2017. Genetic Architecture of Phenomic-Enabled Canopy Coverage in Glycine max. Genetics, 206(2), pp.1081-1089.