A dataset containing the functional connectivity between 16 brain areas of 32 prairie voles in three different sessions.
A data.frame with 96 rows and 123 variables:
Subject ID, factor.
Factor: female (F) or male (M).
Factor: 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.
Functional connectivity between ACC and AON regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between ACC and BLA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between AON and BLA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between ACC and BNST regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between AON and BNST regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BLA and BNST regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between ACC and LS regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between AON and LS regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BLA and LS regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BNST and LS regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between ACC and MeA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between AON and MeA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BLA and MeA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BNST and MeA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between LS and MeA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between ACC and MOB regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between AON and MOB regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BLA and MOB regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BNST and MOB regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between LS and MOB regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MeA and MOB regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between ACC and mPFC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between AON and mPFC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BLA and mPFC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BNST and mPFC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between LS and mPFC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MeA and mPFC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MOB and mPFC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between ACC and NAcc regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between AON and NAcc regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BLA and NAcc regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BNST and NAcc regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between LS and NAcc regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MeA and NAcc regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MOB and NAcc regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between mPFC and NAcc regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between ACC and PVN regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between AON and PVN regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BLA and PVN regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BNST and PVN regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between LS and PVN regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MeA and PVN regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MOB and PVN regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between mPFC and PVN regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between NAcc and PVN regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between ACC and RSC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between AON and RSC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BLA and RSC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BNST and RSC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between LS and RSC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MeA and RSC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MOB and RSC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between mPFC and RSC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between NAcc and RSC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between PVN and RSC regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between ACC and VP regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between AON and VP regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BLA and VP regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BNST and VP regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between LS and VP regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MeA and VP regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MOB and VP regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between mPFC and VP regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between NAcc and VP regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between PVN and VP regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between RSC and VP regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between ACC and VTA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between AON and VTA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BLA and VTA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BNST and VTA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between LS and VTA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MeA and VTA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MOB and VTA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between mPFC and VTA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between NAcc and VTA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between PVN and VTA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between RSC and VTA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between VP and VTA regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between ACC and Dent regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between AON and Dent regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BLA and Dent regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BNST and Dent regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between LS and Dent regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MeA and Dent regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MOB and Dent regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between mPFC and Dent regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between NAcc and Dent regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between PVN and Dent regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between RSC and Dent regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between VP and Dent regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between VTA and Dent regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between ACC and HipD regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between AON and HipD regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BLA and HipD regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BNST and HipD regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between LS and HipD regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MeA and HipD regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MOB and HipD regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between mPFC and HipD regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between NAcc and HipD regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between PVN and HipD regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between RSC and HipD regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between VP and HipD regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between VTA and HipD regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between Dent and HipD regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between ACC and HipV regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between AON and HipV regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BLA and HipV regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between BNST and HipV regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between LS and HipV regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MeA and HipV regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between MOB and HipV regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between mPFC and HipV regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between NAcc and HipV regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between PVN and HipV regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between RSC and HipV regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between VP and HipV regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between VTA and HipV regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between Dent and HipV regions, numeric
Functional connectivity between HipD and HipV regions, numeric
Data is based on an experiment of social bonding in prairie voles. Functional connectivity was measured as the Pearson correlation between the average fMRI signal from the regions of interest (ROI) within 16 anatomical areas of brain. Then, a total of 120 pairwise connections are contained in the dataset. NOTE: This is not the original data of the study!