implements the objective function used by the
LS-NMF algorithm.
nmf_update.lsnmf(i, X, object, weight, eps = 10^-9, ...)
wrss(object, X, weight)
nmfAlgorithm.lsNMF(..., .stop = NULL, maxIter = nmf.getOption("maxIter") %||% 2000, weight, eps = 10^-9, stationary.th = .Machine$double.eps, check.interval = 5 * check.niter, check.niter = 10L)
by X *
(= entry wise product). Weights are usually
specified as a matrix of the same dimension as X
(e.g. uncertainty estimates for each measurement), but
may also be passed as a vector, in which case the
standard rules for entry wise product between matrices
and vectors apply (e.g. recylcing elements).nmf_update.euclidean
. nmf.stop.stationary
(object="NMFStrategy", i="integer", y="matrix",
x="NMF", ...)
, where object
is the
object that describes the algorithm
being run, i
is the current iteration, y
the target matrix and x
is the current value of
the NMF model. object