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NMF (version 0.27)

NMFStop: Stopping Criteria for NMF Iterative Strategies


The function documented here implement stopping/convergence criteria commonly used in NMF algorithms.

NMFStop acts as a factory method that creates stopping criterion functions from different types of values, which are subsequently used by NMFStrategyIterative objects to determine when to stop their iterative process.

nmf.stop.iteration generates a function that implements the stopping criterion that limits the number of iterations to a maximum of n), i.e. that returns TRUE if i>=n, FALSE otherwise.

nmf.stop.threshold generates a function that implements the stopping criterion that stops when a given stationarity threshold is achieved by successive iterations. The returned function is identical to nmf.stop.stationary, but with the default threshold set to threshold.

More precisely, the objective function is computed over \(n\) successive iterations (specified in argument check.niter), every check.interval iterations. The criterion stops when the absolute difference between the maximum and the minimum objective values over these iterations is lower than a given threshold \(\alpha\) (specified in stationary.th):

nmf.stop.connectivity implements the stopping criterion that is based on the stationarity of the connectivity matrix.


NMFStop(s, check = TRUE)



nmf.stop.stationary(object, i, y, x, stationary.th = .Machine$double.eps, check.interval = 5 * check.niter, check.niter = 10L, ...)

nmf.stop.connectivity(object, i, y, x, stopconv = 40, check.interval = 10, ...)


a function that can be passed to argument .stop of function nmf, which is typically used when the algorith is implemented as an iterative strategy.

a function that can be used as a stopping criterion for NMF algorithms defined as

NMFStrategyIterative objects. That is a function with arguments (strategy, i, target, data, ...) that returns TRUE if the stopping criterion is satisfied -- which in turn stops the iterative process, and FALSE otherwise.



specification of the stopping criterion. See section Details for the supported formats and how they are processed.


logical that indicates if the validity of the stopping criterion function should be checked before returning it.


maximum number of iteration to perform.


default stationarity threshold


an NMF strategy object


the current iteration


the target matrix


the current NMF model


maximum absolute value of the gradient, for the objective function to be considered stationary.


interval (in number of iterations) on which the stopping criterion is computed.


number of successive iteration used to compute the stationnary criterion.


extra arguments passed to the function objective, which computes the objective value between x and y.


number of iterations intervals over which the connectivity matrix must not change for stationarity to be achieved.


NMFStop can take the following values:


is returned unchanged, except when it has no arguments, in which case it assumed to be a generator, which is immediately called and should return a function that implements the actual stopping criterion;


the value is used to create a stopping criterion that stops at that exact number of iterations via nmf.stop.iteration;


the value is used to create a stopping criterion that stops when at that stationary threshold via nmf.stop.threshold;


must be a single string which must be an access key for registered criteria (currently available: “connectivity” and “stationary”), or the name of a function in the global environment or the namespace of the loading package.

$$ \left| \frac{\max_{i- N_s + 1 \leq k \leq i} D_k - \min_{i - N_s +1 \leq k \leq i} D_k}{n} \right| \leq \alpha, $$