## Least Median of Squares (LMS) estimation
genData <- function(nP, nO, ol, dy) {
## create dataset as in Salibian-Barrera & Yohai 2006
## nP = regressors, nO = number of obs
## ol = number of outliers, dy = outlier size
mRN <- function(m, n) array(rnorm(m * n), dim = c(m, n))
y <- mRN(nO, 1)
X <- cbind(as.matrix(numeric(nO) + 1), mRN(nO, nP - 1L))
zz <- sample(nO)
z <- cbind(1, 100, array(0, dim = c(1L, nP - 2L)))
for (i in seq_len(ol)) {
X[zz[i], ] <- z
y[zz[i]] <- dy
list(X = X, y = y)
OF <- function(param, data) {
X <- data$X
y <- data$y
aux <- as.vector(y) - X %*% param
## as.vector(y) for recycling (param is a matrix)
aux <- aux * aux
aux <- apply(aux, 2, sort, partial = data$h)
aux[h, ]
nP <- 2L; nO <- 100L; ol <- 10L; dy <- 150
aux <- genData(nP,nO,ol,dy); X <- aux$X; y <- aux$y
h <- (nO + nP + 1L) %/% 2
data <- list(y = y, X = X, h = h)
algo <- list(min = rep(-10, nP), max = rep( 10, nP),
c1 = 1.0, c2 = 2.0,
iner = 0.7, initV = 1, maxV = 3,
nP = 100L, nG = 300L, loopOF = FALSE)
system.time(sol <- PSopt(OF = OF, algo = algo, data = data))
if (require("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) {
## for nsamp = "best", in this case, complete enumeration
## will be tried. See ?lqs
system.time(test1 <- lqs(data$y ~ data$X[, -1L],
adjust = TRUE,
nsamp = "best",
method = "lqs",
quantile = data$h))
## check
x1 <- sort((y - X %*% as.matrix(sol$xbest))^2)[h]
cat("Particle Swarm\n",x1,"\n\n")
if (require("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) {
x2 <- sort((y - X %*% as.matrix(coef(test1)))^2)[h]
cat("lqs\n", x2, "\n\n")
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