## Aim: given a matrix x with n rows and 2 columns,
## divide the rows of x into two subsets such that
## in one subset the columns are highly correlated,
## and in the other lowly (negatively) correlated.
## constraint: a single subset should have at least 40 rows
## create data with specified correlation
n <- 100L
rho <- 0.7
C <- matrix(rho, 2L, 2L); diag(C) <- 1
x <- matrix(rnorm(n * 2L), n, 2L) %*% chol(C)
## collect data
data <- list(x = x, n = n, nmin = 40L)
## a random initial solution
x0 <- runif(n) > 0.5
## a neighbourhood function
neighbour <- function(xc, data) {
xn <- xc
p <- sample.int(data$n, size = 1L)
xn[p] <- abs(xn[p] - 1L)
# reject infeasible solution
c1 <- sum(xn) >= data$nmin
c2 <- sum(xn) <= (data$n - data$nmin)
if (c1 && c2) res <- xn else res <- xc
## check (should be 1 FALSE and n-1 TRUE)
x0 == neighbour(x0, data)
## objective function
OF <- function(xc, data)
-abs(cor(data$x[xc, ])[1L, 2L] - cor(data$x[!xc, ])[1L, 2L])
## check
OF(x0, data)
## check
OF(neighbour(x0, data), data)
## plot data
par(mfrow = c(1,3), bty = "n")
xlim = c(-3,3), ylim = c(-3,3),
main = "all data", col = "darkgreen")
## *Local Search*
algo <- list(nS = 3000L,
neighbour = neighbour,
x0 = x0,
printBar = FALSE)
sol1 <- LSopt(OF, algo = algo, data=data)
## *Threshold Accepting*
algo$nT <- 10L
algo$nS <- ceiling(algo$nS/algo$nT)
sol <- TAopt(OF, algo = algo, data = data)
c1 <- cor(data$x[ sol$xbest, ])[1L, 2L]
c2 <- cor(data$x[!sol$xbest, ])[1L, 2L]
lines(data$x[ sol$xbest, ], type = "p", col = "blue")
plot(data$x[ sol$xbest, ], col = "blue",
xlim = c(-3,3), ylim = c(-3,3),
main = paste("subset 1, corr.", format(c1, digits = 3)))
plot(data$x[!sol$xbest, ], col = "darkgreen",
xlim = c(-3,3), ylim = c(-3,3),
main = paste("subset 2, corr.", format(c2, digits = 3)))
## compare LS/TA
par(mfrow = c(1,1), bty = "n")
plot(sol1$Fmat[ ,2L],type="l", ylim=c(-1.5,0.5),
ylab = "OF", xlab = "iterations")
lines(sol$Fmat[ ,2L],type = "l", col = "blue")
legend(x = "topright",legend = c("LS", "TA"),
lty = 1, lwd = 2,col = c("black", "blue"))
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