## Bund-Future with expiry Sep 2017
## CTD: DE0001102408 -- 0%, 15 Aug 2026
## On 21 August 2017, the CTD traded (clean) at 97.769
## the FGBL Sep 2017 closed at 164.44.
bundFuture(clean = 97.769, ## DE0001102408
coupon = 0,
trade.date = "2017-8-21",
expiry.date = "2017-09-07", ## Bund expiry
last.coupon.date = "2017-08-15", ## last co
r = -0.0037,
cf = 0.594455) ## conversion factor (from Eurex website)
bundFutureImpliedRate(future = 164.44,
clean = 97.769,
coupon = 0,
trade.date = "2017-8-21",
expiry.date = "2017-09-07",
last.coupon.date = "2017-08-15",
cf = 0.594455)
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