## see example(DEopt)
algo <- list(nP = 50L,
F = 0.5,
CR = 0.9,
min = c(-10, -10),
max = c( 10, 10),
printDetail = FALSE,
printBar = FALSE)
## choose a larger 'n' when you can afford it
algo$nG <- 100L
res100 <- restartOpt(DEopt, n = 5L, OF = tfTrefethen, algo = algo)
res100F <- sapply(res100, `[[`, "OFvalue")
algo$nG <- 200L
res200 <- restartOpt(DEopt, n = 5L, OF = tfTrefethen, algo = algo)
res200F <- sapply(res200, `[[`, "OFvalue")
xx <- pretty(c(res100F, res200F, -3.31))
plot(ecdf(res100F), main = "optimum is -3.306",
xlim = c(xx[1L], tail(xx, 1L)))
abline(v = -3.3069, col = "red") ## optimum
lines(ecdf(res200F), col = "blue")
legend(x = "right", box.lty = 0, , lty = 1,
legend = c("optimum", "100 generations", "200 generations"),
pch = c(NA, 19, 19), col = c("red", "black", "blue"))
## a 'best-of-N' strategy: given a sample x of objective
## function values, compute the probability that, after N draws,
## we have at least one realisation not worse than X
x <- c(0.1,.3,.5,.5,.6)
bestofN <- function(x, N) {
nx <- length(x)
1 - (sum(x > X)/nx)^N
bestof2 <- bestofN(x, 2)
bestof5 <- bestofN(x, 5)
if (FALSE) {
## with R >= 2.13.0 and the compiler package
algo$nG <- 100L
system.time(res100 <- restartOpt(DEopt, n = 10L, OF = tfTrefethen, algo = algo))
system.time(res100 <- restartOpt(DEopt, n = 10L, OF = tfTrefethen, algo = algo))
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