S <- 100; X <- 100; tau <- 1; r <- 0.02; q <- 0.06; vol <- 0.3
unlist(vanillaOptionEuropean(S, X, tau, r, q, vol^2, type = "put"))
S <- 100; X <- 110; tau <- 1; r <- 0.1; q <- 0.06; vol <- 0.3; type <- "put"
unlist(vanillaOptionAmerican(S, X, tau, r, q, vol^2, type = type,
greeks = TRUE))
## compute rho for 1% move
h <- 0.01
(vanillaOptionAmerican(S, X, tau, r + h, q, vol^2,
type = type, greeks = FALSE) -
vanillaOptionAmerican(S, X, tau, r, q, vol^2,
type = type, greeks = FALSE)) / (h*100)
## compute vega for 1% move
h <- 0.01
(vanillaOptionAmerican(S, X, tau, r, q,(vol + h)^2,
type = type, greeks = FALSE) -
vanillaOptionAmerican(S, X, tau, r, q, vol^2,
type = type, greeks = FALSE)) / (h*100)
S <- 100; X <- 100
tau <- 1; r <- 0.05; q <- 0.00
D <- c(1,2); tauD <- c(0.3,.6)
type <- "put"
v <- 0.245^2 ## variance, not volatility
p <- vanillaOptionEuropean(S = S, X = X, tau, r, q, v = v,
tauD = tauD, D = D, type = type, greeks = FALSE)
vanillaOptionImpliedVol(exercise = "european", price = p,
S = S, X = X, tau = tau, r = r, q = q, tauD = tauD, D = D, type = type)
p <- vanillaOptionAmerican(S = S, X = X, tau, r, q, v = v,
tauD = tauD, D = D, type = type, greeks = FALSE)
vanillaOptionImpliedVol(exercise = "american", price = p,
S = S, X = X, tau = tau, r = r, q = q, tauD = tauD, D = D, type =
type, uniroot.control = list(interval = c(0.01, 0.5)))
## compute implied q
S <- 100; X <- 100
tau <- 1; r <- 0.05; q <- 0.072
v <- 0.22^2 ## variance, not volatility
call <- vanillaOptionEuropean(S=S, X = X, tau=tau, r=r, q=q, v=v,
type = "call", greeks = FALSE)
put <- vanillaOptionEuropean(S=S, X = X, tau=tau, r=r, q=q, v=v,
type = "put", greeks = FALSE)
# ... the simple way
-(log(call + X * exp(-tau*r) - put) - log(S)) / tau
# ... the complicated way :-)
volDiffCreate <- function(exercise, call, put, S, X, tau, r) {
f <- function(q) {
cc <- vanillaOptionImpliedVol(exercise = exercise, price = call,
S = S, X = X, tau = tau, r = r, q = q, type = "call")
pp <- vanillaOptionImpliedVol(exercise = exercise, price = put,
S = S, X = X, tau = tau, r = r, q = q, type = "put")
abs(cc - pp)
f <- volDiffCreate(exercise = "european",
call = call, put = put, S = S, X = X, tau = tau, r)
optimise(f,interval = c(0, 0.2))$minimum
S <- 100; X <- 100
tau <- 1; r <- 0.05; q <- 0.072
v <- 0.22^2 ## variance, not volatility
vol <- 0.22
vanillaOptionEuropean(S=S, X = X, tau=tau, r=r, q=q, v=v, ## with variance
type = "call", greeks = FALSE)
vanillaOptionEuropean(S=S, X = X, tau=tau, r=r, q=q, vol=vol, ## with vol
type = "call", greeks = FALSE)
vanillaOptionEuropean(S=S, X = X, tau=tau, r=r, q=q, vol=vol, ## with vol
type = "call", greeks = FALSE, v = 0.2^2)
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