Update lambda -- the list of matrices of the group-level probabilities for each group-level variable by the group-level latent classes -- when the weighting/capping option is used. The weighting options allows capping the number of impossible households to sample and re-weight the multinomial counts within each latent class back to the expected truth. Each matrix in the list is for each group-level variable.
UpdateLambdaWeighted(HHdata_all, G_all, dHH, FF,struc_weight)
Data matrix for the household-level data from both the original data and the sampled impossible households.
A vector of the household-level latent class indexes for all households both in the original data and the sampled impossible households.
A vector containing the number of levels for each household-level variable.
Maximum number of household-level latent classes allowed.
A vector of weights by household sizes used in capping the number of sampled impossible households.
Updated (posterior) value for lambda based on the corresponding full conditional distribution.
Function for obtaining a posterior sample of lambda when the weighting/capping option is used.