Template parameters to be imported into other function documentation. This is not intended to be a stand-alone help file.
(default), NA
, or a vector of dataset
names or indices. Controls how nodes are ordered on the plot (see details).
(default), NA
, or a vector
containing a single dataset name or index. Controls how samples are ordered
on the plot (see details).
logical; controls whether the node names are drawed on the bottom axis.
logical; controls whether the sample names are drawed on the left axis.
logical; controls whether module names are drawed.
The default is for module names to be drawed when multiple modules
are drawn.
title for the plot.
the number of lines into the top margin at which the plot title will be drawn.
logical; if TRUE
, borders are drawn around the
weighted degree, node conribution, and module summary
bar plots.
line width for borders and axes.
the number of lines into the bottom margin at which the node names will be drawn.
the number of lines into the left margin at which the sample names will be drawn.
the number of lines into the bottom margin at which the module names will be drawn.
the number of lines into the bottom margin at which the x-axis tick labels will be drawn on the module summary bar plot.
the size of the x-axis ticks for the module summary bar plot.
the number of lines into the bottom margin at which the x axis label on the module summary bar plot(s) will be drawn.
the number of lines into the left margin at which the y-axis tick labels will be drawn on the weighted degree and node contribution bar plots.
the number of lines into the left margin at which the y axis labels on the weighted degree and node contribution bar plots will be drawn.
the size of the y-axis ticks for the weighted degree and node contribution bar plots.
the distance from the legend to draw the legend axis
labels, as multiple of laxt.tck
size of the ticks on each axis legend relative to the size of the correlation, edge weights, and data matrix heatmaps.
the distance from the legend to draw the legend title.
relative size of the node and sample names.
relative size of the module names and legend titles.
relative size of the plot titles.
a character vector of colors to create a gradient from for
the data heatmap (see details). Automatically determined if NA
the range of values to map to the dataCols
(see details). Automatically determined if NA
a character vector of colors to create a gradient from for the correlation structure heatmap (see details).
the range of values to map to the corCols
(see details).
a character vector of colors to create a gradient from for the network edge weight heatmap (see details).
the range of values to map to the corCols
(see details). Automatically determined if NA
color to use for the weighted degree bar plot.
color(s) to use for the node contribution bar plot (see details).
color(s) to use for the node contribution bar plot (see details).
color to use for missing nodes and samples on the data, correlation structure, and network edge weight heat maps.
logical; if TRUE
, only the axes and labels will be