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Newdistns (version 2.1)

gammag: Gamma Uniform G Distribution


Computes the pdf, cdf, quantile and random numbers of the gamma uniform G distribution due to Torabi and Montazeri (2012) specified by the pdf $$f (x) = \frac {1}{\Gamma (a)} \frac {g (x)}{\left[ 1 - G (x) \right]^2} \left[ \frac {G (x)}{1 - G (x)} \right]^{a - 1} \exp \left[ -\frac {G (x)}{1 - G (x)} \right]$$ for $G$ any valid cdf, $g$ the corresponding pdf, and $a > 0$, the first shape parameter. Also computes the Cramer-von Misses statistic, Anderson Darling statistic, Kolmogorov Smirnov test statistic and p-value, maximum likelihood estimates, Akaike Information Criterion, Consistent Akaikes Information Criterion, Bayesian Information Criterion, Hannan-Quinn information criterion, standard errors of the maximum likelihood estimates, minimum value of the negative log-likelihood function and convergence status when the distribution is fitted to some data


dgammag(x, spec, a = 1, log = FALSE, ...)
pgammag(x, spec, a = 1, log.p = FALSE, lower.tail = TRUE, ...)
qgammag(p, spec, a = 1, log.p = FALSE, lower.tail = TRUE, ...)
rgammag(n, spec, a = 1, ...)
mgammag(g, data, starts, method = "BFGS")


scaler or vector of values at which the pdf or cdf needs to be computed
scaler or vector of probabilities at which the quantile needs to be computed
number of random numbers to be generated
the value of the shape parameter, must be positive, the default is 1
a character string specifying the distribution of G and g (for example, "norm" if G and g correspond to the standard normal).
if TRUE then log(pdf) are returned
if TRUE then log(cdf) are returned and quantiles are computed for exp(p)
if FALSE then 1-cdf are returned and quantiles are computed for 1-p
other parameters
same as spec but must be one of chisquare ("chisq"), exponential ("exp"), F ("f"), gamma ("gamma"), lognormal ("lognormal"), Weibull ("weibull"), Burr XII ("burrxii"), Chen ("chen"), Frechet ("frechet"), Gompertz ("gompertz"), linear failure rate ("lfr"),
a vector of data values for which the distribution is to be fitted
initial values of (a, r) if g has one parameter or initial values of (a, r, s) if g has two parameters
the method for optimizing the log likelihood function. It can be one of "Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B" or "SANN". The default is "BFGS". The details of these methods


  • An object of the same length as x, giving the pdf or cdf values computed at x or an object of the same length as p, giving the quantile values computed at p or an object of the same length as n, giving the random numbers generated or an object giving the values of Cramer-von Misses statistic, Anderson Darling statistic, Kolmogorov Smirnov test statistic and p-value, maximum likelihood estimates, Akaike Information Criterion, Consistent Akaikes Information Criterion, Bayesian Information Criterion, Hannan-Quinn information criterion, standard errors of the maximum likelihood estimates, minimum value of the negative log-likelihood function and convergence status.


S. Nadarajah and R. Rocha, Newdistns: An R Package for New Families of Distributions, Journal of Statistical Software, 69(10), 1-32, doi:10.18637/jss.v069.i10 H. Torabi, N. H. Montazeri, The gamma uniform distribution and its applications, Kybernetika 48 (2012) 16-30


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