This package's development was largely supported by the NIH
Grant 1R01HD65865, "NLSY Kinship Links: Reliable and Valid Sibling Identification"
(PI: Joe Rodgers). A more complete list of research articles
using NLSY Kinship Links is maintained on our package's website.
Rodgers, Joseph Lee, & Kohler, Hans-Peter (2005).
Reformulating and simplifying the DF analysis model.
Behavior Genetics, 35 (2), 211-217.
Rodgers, J.L., Bard, D., Johnson, A., D'Onofrio, B., & Miller, W.B. (2008).
The Cross-Generational Mother-Daughter-Aunt-Niece Design: Establishing Validity of the MDAN Design with NLSY Fertility Variables..
Behavior Genetics, 38, 567-578.
D'Onofrio, B.M., Van Hulle, C.A., Waldman, I.D., Rodgers, J.L., Rathouz,
P.J., & Lahey, B.B. (2007). Causal inferences regarding prenatal alcohol exposure and childhood externalizing problems..
Archives of General Psychiatry, 64, 1296-1304.
Rodgers, J.L. & Doughty, D. (2000). Genetic and environmental influences on fertility expectations and outcomes using NLSY kinship data.
In J.L. Rodgers, D. Rowe, & W.B. Miller (Eds.)
Genetic influences on fertility and sexuality. Boston: Kluwer Academic Press.
Cleveland, H.H., Wiebe, R.P., van den Oord, E.J.C.G., & Rowe, D.C. (2000).
Behavior problems among children from different family structures: The influence of genetic self-selection.
Child Development, 71, 733-751.
Rodgers, J.L., Rowe, D.C., & Buster, M. (1999). Nature, nurture, and first sexual intercourse in the USA: Fitting behavioural genetic models to NLSY kinship data.
Journal of Biosocial Sciences, 31.
Rodgers, J.L., Rowe, D.C., & Li, C. (1994). Beyond nature versus nurture: DF analysis of nonshared influences on problem behaviors.
Developmental Psychology, 30, 374-384.