init_gb = GaborFeatureExtract$new()
# gabor-filter-bank
gb_f = init_gb$gabor_filter_bank(scales = 5, orientations = 8, gabor_rows = 39,
gabor_columns = 39, plot_data = TRUE)
# plot gabor-filter-bank
plt_f = init_gb$plot_gabor(real_matrices = gb_f$gabor_real, margin_btw_plots = 0.65,
thresholding = FALSE)
# read image
pth_im = system.file("tmp_images", "car.png", package = "OpenImageR")
im = readImage(pth_im) * 255
# gabor-feature-extract
# gb_im = init_gb$gabor_feature_extraction(image = im, scales = 5, orientations = 8,
# downsample_gabor = TRUE, downsample_rows = 3,
# downsample_cols = 3, gabor_rows = 39, gabor_columns = 39,
# plot_data = TRUE, normalize_features = FALSE,
# threads = 6)
# plot real data of gabor-feature-extract
# plt_im = init_gb$plot_gabor(real_matrices = gb_im$gabor_features_real, margin_btw_plots = 0.65,
# thresholding = FALSE)
# feature generation for a matrix of images (such as the mnist data set)
ROWS = 13; COLS = 13; SCAL = 3; ORIEN = 5; nrow_mt = 500; im_width = 12; im_height = 15
im_mt = matrix(sample(1:255, nrow_mt * im_width * im_height, replace = TRUE), nrow = nrow_mt,
ncol = im_width * im_height)
# gb_ex = init_gb$gabor_feature_engine(img_data = im_mt, img_nrow = im_width, img_ncol = im_height,
# scales = SCAL, orientations = ORIEN, gabor_rows = ROWS,
# gabor_columns = COLS, downsample_gabor = FALSE,
# downsample_rows = NULL, downsample_cols = NULL,
# normalize_features = TRUE, threads = 1, verbose = FALSE)
# plot of multiple image in same figure
list_images = list(im, im, im)
plt_multi = init_gb$plot_multi_images(list_images, par_ROWS = 2, par_COLS = 2)
# }
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