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OpenImageR (version 1.3.0)

delationErosion: Delation or Erosion of an image


`r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`

This function was deprecated because I realized that the name of the function does not correspond to the name of the algorithm (delation -> dilation)

this function performs delation or erosion to a 2- or 3- dimensional image


delationErosion(image, Filter, method = "delation", threads = 1)


a matrix or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3



a matrix, data frame or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3


a vector specifying the dimensions of the kernel, which will be used to perform either delation or erosion, such as c(3,3)


one of 'delation', 'erosion'


number of cores to run in parallel ( > 1 should be used if image high dimensional )


This function utilizes a kernel to perform delation or erosion. The first value of the vector indicates the number of rows of the kernel, whereas the second value indicates the number of columns.


Run this code

path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR")

image = readImage(path)

res_delate = delationErosion(image, Filter = c(3,3), method = 'delation')

res_erode = delationErosion(image, Filter = c(5,5), method = 'erosion')

# ->

res_dilate = dilationErosion(image, Filter = c(3,3), method = 'dilation')

res_erode = dilationErosion(image, Filter = c(5,5), method = 'erosion')

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab