# Example 1
# Undamped linear oscillator, i.e. a noisy sine wave.
# Measurement error, but no dynamic error, single indicator.
# This example works great.
# Data Generation
tlen <- 200
t <- seq(1.2, 50, length.out=tlen)
freqParam <- .5
initialCond <- matrix(c(2.5, 0))
x <- initialCond[1,1]*cos(freqParam*t)
plot(t, x, type='l')
measVar <- 1.5
y <- cbind(obs=x+rnorm(tlen, sd=sqrt(measVar)), tim=t)
plot(t, y[,1], type='l')
# Model Specification
#Note: the bounds are here only to keep SLSQP from
# stepping too far off a cliff. With the bounds in
# place, SLSQP finds the right solution. Without
# the bounds, SLSQP goes crazy.
cdim <- list('obs', c('ksi', 'ksiDot'))
amat <- mxMatrix('Full', 2, 2, c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), c(0, -.1, 1, -.2),
name='A', lbound=-10)
bmat <- mxMatrix('Zero', 2, 1, name='B')
cmat <- mxMatrix('Full', 1, 2, FALSE, c(1, 0), name='C', dimnames=cdim)
dmat <- mxMatrix('Zero', 1, 1, name='D')
qmat <- mxMatrix('Zero', 2, 2, name='Q')
rmat <- mxMatrix('Diag', 1, 1, TRUE, .4, name='R', lbound=1e-6)
xmat <- mxMatrix('Full', 2, 1, TRUE, c(0, 0), name='x0', lbound=-10, ubound=10)
pmat <- mxMatrix('Diag', 2, 2, FALSE, 1, name='P0')
umat <- mxMatrix('Zero', 1, 1, name='u')
tmat <- mxMatrix('Full', 1, 1, name='time', labels='data.tim')
osc <- mxModel("LinearOscillator",
amat, bmat, cmat, dmat, qmat, rmat, xmat, pmat, umat, tmat,
mxExpectationSSCT('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'Q', 'R', 'x0', 'P0', 'u', 'time'),
mxData(y, 'raw'))
oscr <- mxRun(osc)
# Results Examination
(ssFreqParam <- mxEval(sqrt(-A[2,1]), oscr))
(ssMeasVar <- mxEval(R, oscr))
dampingParam <- 0
(ssDampingParam <- mxEval(-A[2,2], oscr))
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