a gene-by-sample (isoform-by-sample) matrix indicating the rescaled expression of two genes/isoforms.
all values should be bettwen [-1, 1].
whether apply parallel computing. if it is TRUE, BiocParallel will be called.
a SnowParam object to specify the clusters. If it is NULL, the default
will be set as SnowParam(workers = 5, type = "SOCK")
remains unchanged for over NCThre iterations.
Output is a list with 4 sublists, each shows a N-by-N matrix, in which
N is the total number of genes (isoforms).
SimiMat: similarity matrix (sine scores); the sine scores are calculated
by -log10(epsilon^2).
DiffMat: dissimilarity matrix; shown are epsilon^2 for each gene pair.
ShiftMat: optimal phase shift estimate for each pair of genes.