Internal function for organize the results of wcmdscale
The function computes dissimilarity indices using the function vegdist
and perform Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) using the function
. If data is of class dist, the funcion do not computes
the dissimilarity indices., method, squareroot, eig, correlations, ...)
Data matrix or dissimilarities of class dist.
Method for dissimilarity index, as accepted by vegdist
Logical argument (TRUE or FALSE) to specify if use square root of dissimilarity index.
Logical argument (TRUE or FALSE) to indicates if eigenvalues are returned.
Logical argument (TRUE or FALSE) to indicates if correlations between axis and original data are returned.
Other arguments passed to wcmdscale function.
The eigenvalues, relative eigenvalues and cumulative relative eigenvalues.
The principal coordinates.
Correlations between axis and original data.