## Not run: ------------------------------------
# library(PGEE)
# # load data
# data(yeastG1)
# data <- yeastG1
# # get the column names
# colnames(data)[1:9]
# # see some portion of yeast G1 data
# head(data,5)[1:9]
# # define the input arguments
# formula <- "y ~.-id"
# family <- gaussian(link = "identity")
# lambda.vec <- seq(0.01,0.2,0.01)
# # find the optimum lambda
# cv <- CVfit(formula = formula, id = id, data = data, family = family, scale.fix = TRUE,
# scale.value = 1, fold = 4, lambda.vec = lambda.vec, pindex = c(1,2), eps = 10^-6,
# maxiter = 30, tol = 10^-6)
# # print the results
# print(cv)
# # see the returned values by CVfit
# names(cv)
# # get the optimum lambda
# cv$lam.opt
# #fit the PGEE model
# myfit1 <- PGEE(formula = formula, id = id, data = data, na.action = NULL,
# family = family, corstr = "independence", Mv = NULL,
# beta_int = c(rep(0,dim(data)[2]-1)), R = NULL, scale.fix = TRUE,
# scale.value = 1, lambda = cv$lam.opt, pindex = c(1,2), eps = 10^-6,
# maxiter = 30, tol = 10^-6, silent = TRUE)
# # get the values returned by myfit object
# names(myfit1)
# # get the values returned by summary(myfit) object
# names(summary(myfit1))
# # see a portion of the results returned by coef(summary(myfit1))
# head(coef(summary(myfit1)),7)
# # see the variables which have non-zero coefficients
# index1 <- which(abs(coef(summary(myfit1))[,"Estimate"]) > 10^-3)
# names(abs(coef(summary(myfit1))[index1,"Estimate"]))
# # see the PGEE summary statistics of these non-zero variables
# coef(summary(myfit1))[index1,]
# # fit the GEE model
# myfit2 <- MGEE(formula = formula, id = id, data = data, na.action = NULL,
# family = family, corstr = "independence", Mv = NULL,
# beta_int = c(rep(0,dim(data)[2]-1)), R = NULL, scale.fix = TRUE,
# scale.value = 1, maxiter = 30, tol = 10^-6, silent = TRUE)
# # get the GEE summary statistics of the variables that turned out to be
# # non-zero in PGEE analysis
# coef(summary(myfit2))[index1,]
# # see the significantly associated TFs in PGEE analysis
# names(which(abs(coef(summary(myfit1))[index1,"Robust z"]) > 1.96))
# # see the significantly associated TFs in GEE analysis
# names(which(abs(coef(summary(myfit2))[,"Robust z"]) > 1.96))
## ---------------------------------------------
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