Several helper functions used by the PHYLOGR main functions (i.e., these functions are called from other functions). These are all one to three lines functions, which are used in lieu of calls to read.table, scan, etc. They are of no immediate use for the end user, but might be helpful for further programming.
Depends on the helper function; here is a summary:
number of tips and number of simulations of a simulated data set
the number of simulations of a simulated data set
number of tips in inp data file
ditto for pdi
ditto for sim
the two columns with data from inp file
ditto for pdi
ditto for sim file
the names of tips from an inp file
ditto for pdi
Diaz-Uriarte, R., and Garland, T., Jr., in prep. PHYLOGR: an R package for the analysis of comparative data via Monte Carlo simulations and generalized least squares approaches.