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PMCMRplus (version 1.9.6)

chenJanTest: Chen and Jan Many-to-One Comparisons Test


Performs Chen and Jan nonparametric test for contrasting increasing (decreasing) dose levels of a treatment in a randomized block design.


chenJanTest(y, ...)

# S3 method for default chenJanTest( y, groups, blocks, alternative = c("greater", "less"), p.adjust.method = c("single-step", "SD1", p.adjust.methods), ... )


A list with class "PMCMR" containing the following components:


a character string indicating what type of test was performed.


a character string giving the name(s) of the data.


lower-triangle matrix of the estimated quantiles of the pairwise test statistics.


lower-triangle matrix of the p-values for the pairwise tests.


a character string describing the alternative hypothesis.


a character string describing the method for p-value adjustment.


a data frame of the input data.


a string that denotes the test distribution.



a numeric vector of data values, or a list of numeric data vectors.


a vector or factor object giving the group for the corresponding elements of "x". Ignored with a warning if "x" is a list.


a vector or factor object giving the block for the corresponding elements of "x". Ignored with a warning if "x" is a list.


the alternative hypothesis. Defaults to greater.


method for adjusting p values (see p.adjust)


further arguments to be passed to or from methods.


Chen's test is a non-parametric step-down trend test for testing several treatment levels with a zero control. Let there be \(k\) groups including the control and let the zero dose level be indicated with \(i = 0\) and the highest dose level with \(i = m\), then the following m = k - 1 hypotheses are tested:

$$ \begin{array}{ll} \mathrm{H}_{m}: \theta_0 = \theta_1 = \ldots = \theta_m, & \mathrm{A}_{m} = \theta_0 \le \theta_1 \le \ldots \theta_m, \theta_0 < \theta_m \\ \mathrm{H}_{m-1}: \theta_0 = \theta_1 = \ldots = \theta_{m-1}, & \mathrm{A}_{m-1} = \theta_0 \le \theta_1 \le \ldots \theta_{m-1}, \theta_0 < \theta_{m-1} \\ \vdots & \vdots \\ \mathrm{H}_{1}: \theta_0 = \theta_1, & \mathrm{A}_{1} = \theta_0 < \theta_1\\ \end{array} $$

Let \(Y_{ij1}, Y_{ij2}, \ldots, Y_{ijn_{ij}}\) \((i = 1, 2, \dots, b, j = 0, 1, \ldots, k ~ \mathrm{and} ~ n_{ij} \geq 1)\) be a i.i.d. random variable of at least ordinal scale. Further,the zero dose control is indicated with \(j = 0\).

The Mann-Whittney statistic is

$$ T_{ij} = \sum_{u=0}^{j-1} \sum_{s=1}^{n_{ij}} \sum_{r=1}^{n_{iu}} I(Y_{ijs} - Y_{iur}), \qquad i = 1, 2, \ldots, b, ~ j = 1, 2, \ldots, k, $$

where where the indicator function returns \(I(a) = 1, ~ \mathrm{if}~ a > 0, 0.5 ~ \mathrm{if} a = 0\) otherwise \(0\).

Let $$ N_{ij} = \sum_{s=0}^j n_{is} \qquad i = 1, 2, \ldots, b, ~ j = 1, 2, \ldots, k, $$


$$ T_j = \sum_{i=1}^b T_{ij} \qquad j = 1, 2, \ldots, k. $$

The mean and variance of \(T_j\) are

$$ \mu(T_j) = \sum_{i=1}^b n_{ij} ~ N_{ij-1} / 2 \qquad \mathrm{and} $$

$$ \sigma(T_j) = \sum_{i=1}^b n_{ij} ~ N_{ij-1} \left[ \left(N_{ij} + 1\right) - \sum_{u=1}^{g_i} \left(t_u^3 - t_u \right) / \left\{N_{ij} \left(N_{ij} - 1\right) \right\} \right]/ 2, $$

with \(g_i\) the number of ties in the \(i\)th block and \(t_u\) the size of the tied group \(u\).

The test statistic \(T_j^*\) is asymptotically multivariate normal distributed.

$$ T_j^* = \frac{T_j - \mu(T_j)}{\sigma(T_j)} $$

If p.adjust.method = "single-step" than the p-values are calculated with the probability function of the multivariate normal distribution with \(\Sigma = I_k\). Otherwise the standard normal distribution is used to calculate p-values and any method as available by p.adjust or by the step-down procedure as proposed by Chen (1999), if p.adjust.method = "SD1" can be used to account for \(\alpha\)-error inflation.


Chen, Y.I., Jan, S.L., 2002. Nonparametric Identification of the Minimum Effective Dose for Randomized Block Designs. Commun Stat-Simul Comput 31, 301--312.

See Also


Run this code
## Example from Chen and Jan (2002, p. 306)
## MED is at dose level 2 (0.5 ppm SO2)
y <- c(0.2, 6.2, 0.3, 0.3, 4.9, 1.8, 3.9, 2, 0.3, 2.5, 5.4, 2.3, 12.7,
-0.2, 2.1, 6, 1.8, 3.9, 1.1, 3.8, 2.5, 1.3, -0.8, 13.1, 1.1,
12.8, 18.2, 3.4, 13.5, 4.4, 6.1, 2.8, 4, 10.6, 9, 4.2, 6.7, 35,
9, 12.9, 2, 7.1, 1.5, 10.6)
groups <- gl(4,11, labels = c("0", "0.25", "0.5", "1.0"))
blocks <- structure(rep(1:11, 4), class = "factor",
levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11"))

summary(chenJanTest(y, groups, blocks, alternative = "greater"))
summary(chenJanTest(y, groups, blocks, alternative = "greater", p.adjust = "SD1"))

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