.testFunctional(folderOutput=tempdir(), testType="regular",
.testFunctional_generateResults(testFileBAM_folderName, testFileBAM_fileName, testFileMulti_fileName, testType="complete")
The package includes a SAM/BAM file designed to cover most of the cases for paired-ends or single-ends datasets (see publication for details). This test consists in using the provided pipeline and the embedded BAM file to generate results and compare them to a previously generated (precomputed) dataset that has been functionally validated by developpers. The precomputed dataset is embedded in the package in a zip file and contains all the WIG and GFF files that could be necessary for validation. This dataset is generated and compiled by package developpers using .testFunctional_generateResults. Two kind of tests can be computed: A regular test will go through the most common options for single-end and paired-ends, it will generate 15 to 20 results file and compare them to the references, the generation and comparisons should take less than a minute to complete. A complete test will launch the generation of results by using as much as possible different options and parameters to the pipeline function. It will typically generate ~1000 wig and gff files and compare them to the validated reference, this test can be long (15 to 30 minutes) but guarantees to obtain the same results as the developpers for all kind of analysis.