.testFunctionalMultiread(folderOutput=tempdir(), testType="regular", verbose=FALSE)
.testFunctionalMultiread_generateResults(testFileBOW_folderName, testFileBOW_fileName, folderOutputGenerated, verbosity=0)
The package includes a .bow file (obtained throufh bowtie with --concise option) designed to cover most of the cases for multiread datasets (see publication for details). This test consists in using the provided R funcntions and the embedded .bow file to generate results and compare them to a previously generated (precomputed) dataset that has been functionally validated by developpers. The precomputed dataset is embedded in the package in a zip file and contains all the .bow and .txt files that could be necessary for validation. This dataset is generated and compiled by package developpers using .testFunctionalMultiread_generateResults.