Return.centered(R, ...) centeredmoment(R, power)
centeredcomoment(Ra, Rb, p1, p2, normalize = FALSE)
These functions were first utilized in Boudt, Peterson, and Croux (2008), and have been subsequently used in our other research.
~~ Additional Details will be added to documentation as soon as we have time to write them. Documentation Patches Welcome. ~~
Martellini, Lionel, and Volker Ziemann. 2007. Improved Forecasts of Higher-Order Comoments and Implications for Portfolio Selection. EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre working paper.
Ranaldo, Angelo, and Laurent Favre Sr. 2005. How to Price Hedge Funds: From Two- to Four-Moment CAPM. SSRN eLibrary.
Scott, Robert C., and Philip A. Horvath. 1980. On the Direction of Preference for Moments of Higher Order than the Variance. Journal of Finance 35(4):915-919.
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