# Example 1 - Generating adverse event conditional on use
# of prescription drugs
# Prepare the matrice of covariate (Xmat)
# Here we simulate daily exposures to 2 prescription drugs over a
# year. Drug prescriptions can start any day of follow-up, and their
# duration is a multiple of 7 days. There can be multiple prescriptions
# for each individuals over the year and interuptions of drug use in
# between.
# Additionaly, there is a time-independant binary covarite (sex).
n=500 # subjects
m=365 # days
# Generate the matrix of three covariate, in a 'long' format.
Xmat=matrix(ncol=3, nrow=n*m)
# time-independant binary covariate
Xmat[,1] <- rep(rbinom(n, 1, 0.3), each=m)
# Function to generate an individual time-dependent exposure history
# e.g. generate prescriptions of different durations and doses.
TDhist <- function(m){
start <- round(runif(1,1,m),0) # individual start date
duration <- 7 + 7*rpois(1,3) # in weeks
dose <- round(runif(1,0,10),1)
vec <- c(rep(0, start-1), rep(dose, duration))
while (length(vec)<=m){
intermission <- 21 + 7*rpois(1,3) # in weeks
duration <- 7 + 7*rpois(1,3) # in weeks
dose <- round(runif(1,0,10),1)
vec <- append(vec, c(rep(0, intermission), rep(dose, duration)))}
# create TD var
Xmat[,2] <- do.call("c", lapply(1:n, function(i) TDhist(m)))
Xmat[,3] <- do.call("c", lapply(1:n, function(i) TDhist(m)))
# genereate vectors of event and censoring times prior to calling the
# function for the algorithm
eventRandom <- round(rexp(n, 0.012)+1,0)
censorRandom <- round(runif(n, 1,870),0)
# Generate the survival data conditional on the three covariates
data <- permalgorithm(n, m, Xmat, XmatNames=c("sex", "Drug1", "Drug2"),
eventRandom = eventRandom, censorRandom=censorRandom, betas=c(log(2),
log(1.04), log(0.99)), groupByD=FALSE )
# could use survival library and check whether the data was generated
# properly using coxph(Surv(Start, Stop, Event) ~ sex + Drug1 + Drug2,
# data)
# Example 2 - Generating Myocardial Infarction (MI) conditional on
# biennial measures of systolic blood pressure (like in the
# Framingham data).
m = 16 # exams
n <- 10000 # individuals
# Very crude way to generate the data, meant as an example only!
sysBP <- rnorm(n*m, 120, 15)
# by not submitting event and censor time, one let the algorithm
# generate them from uniform distributions over the follow-up time.
data2 <- permalgorithm(n, m, sysBP, XmatNames="sysBP", betas=log(1.01),
groupByD=FALSE )
# }
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