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db.existsObject: Test whether an object exists in the database


Test whether a table or view exists in the database


db.existsObject(name, conn.id = 1, is.temp = FALSE)



A string, the name of table or view


An integer, default is 1. The ID of the database connection.


A logical, default is FALSE. Whether this table/view is a temporary object.


This function returns different types of results depending the input.

If name has the format of myschema.mytable, the return value is a logical. It is TRUE if the table/view exists in the database.

If name has the format of mytable and is.temp = FALSE, the return value is also a logical, which is TRUE if the table/view exists in the database.

If name has the format of mytable and is.temp = TRUE, the return value is a list. The list has two elements. The first is a logical, which is TRUE if the table/view exists in the database. The second is a character array with 2 elements, whose first is the temporary schema name and the second is the table/view name.

See Also

objects to See Also as help, ~~~


Run this code
<!-- %% @test .port Database port number -->
<!-- %% @test .dbname Database name -->
## set up the database connection
## Assume that .port is port number and .dbname is the database name
cid <- db.connect(port = .port, dbname = .dbname, verbose = FALSE)


db.existsObject("madlibtestdata.lin_ornstein", cid)

db.disconnect(cid, verbose = FALSE)
# }

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